Monday, June 22, 2009

Neverending Maze

On Saturday night I decided to take a walk throughout the city. I started out in Trastevere, but sadly my shoes gave me such blisters that I had to buy a new pair right then and then I just felt the need to go home. However, I wanted to walk to Piazza Navona and try a famous dessert, tartufo, at Tre Scalini. I decided to walk along the Tiber until I reached Via Vittorio Emanuale. From there I walked for a bit until I saw a sign for Abbey Theatre, a bar I'd been to, and Piazza Navona. Perfect, I thought.

Not perfect. I seemed to have had short term memory loss and forgotten that the streets of Rome are never easy to navigate. I turned where the sign said to, and then proceeded to walk around a block and end up right back where I began. By this point, I just wanted to be home, so I comforted myself with gelato and started walking home, when I ran into the unattainable Navona. Of course this would happen after I had given up.

Moral of the story is that no matter how many times one has been to a place in Rome, it's not always the easiest to get back to it. These "roads" that connect everything have no true rhyme or reason and one really has to just get lost in order to be able to find where one's going.

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